Thursday, January 26, 2006

At least now I have a plan

Tomorrow, I am getting a digital camera. This is quite exciting.

I will also be spending much of the day working on various tasks that I should have been working on for the past several weeks. I will hopefully catch up on everything this weekend. Or at least get closer.

I will also go to work (both jobs) and spend the evening doing roleplaying stuff.

The weekend will be spent doing work and visiting with people. It will be a good weekend. And then I will have Monday morning free, as well. I'm really happy about this whole dropping German thing. Classes three days a week. This makes me very very happy.

Not like I'm going to waste the free time, anyway. I've got some writing planned, and Simon's going to be teaching me some Tai Chi stuff. And there's always homework. ALWAYS.

Time to sleep soon. Must get things done tomorrow.

1 comment:

Poet said...

LOL! Tai Chi Chih is good. Just remind Simon that it's not a marathon. He likes to do it at break neck speeds.:-P If he has you going so fast that you're sweating, tell him it's supposed to be a moment of relaxation, not a work out routine.

It's good to have plans. Stick to plans.