Monday, March 22, 2004

Oh the pain...

It's been a rough day. This morning, I was all ready to go to class on time. I walked out the door with about twenty minutes to make it to class, plenty of time even if I go slow. It was cold out and the sidewalk was icy in spots, so I was making every effort not to slip and fall and hurt myself. About halfway there (just outside of Tamarack, for those of you who know the place) I slipped, fell, ripped my jeans all to hell, and ended up with a bruise the size and color of a small plum on my left knee and a few little scrapes and bruises on the right knee. Funny thing was... I didn't slip on ice. Or snow, or anything remotely slippery. I was walking on dry, level ground and tripped over my own two feet. Of course, I was in the middle of about twenty or thirty people all walking to class at the same time. So after I picked myself up and realized that my jeans were pretty much ruined (I'll patch em up later), I went back home to change and tend to my knee, with the result of me missing my first class and walking with a limp throughout the rest of the day (and likely the rest of this week). Stairs are not fun right now. Walking in general isn't good either. Ow...

Walking back from class, of course, there was no ice. Just lots of puddles. Deep, wide puddles. Managed not to get my socks wet. Yay for me! This is by virtue of having to walk slow enough that I don't splash in the puddles too much.

Just as I got back, someone was finally cleaning up the popcorn that was spilled in the hall over the weekend. Sigh....

I think it's time for a little nap. My bed is calling me. Poem to write tonight, then writers' group after that. Busy busy busy....

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