Thursday, November 18, 2004

Angst and other artsy things

Today I'm all angsty. I don't know why, but it's irritating. Too much thinking, I guess... when I'm left to my own devices, that's what I do, especially when I've been having weird dreams. And the past couple days, when I've woken up, it's been taking me an inordinate amount of time to remember who I am, what day it is, and why the little box next to my bed is making so much noise. Seriously... I spent a good minute or so lying in bed yesterday trying to answer these three questions. I oughta get that checked, maybe.

Time to do laundry and homework. Maybe watch the movie I borrowed, too... the last Matrix movie. Yes, I've heard not-so-stellar things about it, but I just have to know how it turns out. Plus, I borrowed it from a friend, so it's not costing me anything. Except probably a share in the next batch of cookies I make... but I'd share them anyway, so...

Plotting for my story for Fiction next week, too... I'm working on an idea based around dreams. We'll see.

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