Saturday, November 13, 2004

Breakfast time!

I am not a breakfast person. For years during high school, I balked at the idea of eating more than a granola bar before heading to school. There were two reasons for this; first of all, always felt slightly sick when I ate in the morning, for reasons unknown to me. Secondly, I don't really like breakfast foods. I don't eat eggs, pancakes, waffles, and French toast take too long, cereal gets soggy (yech)... toast and juice are okay, but that's about the extent of it. Now that I'm in college, I usually don't even bother with breakfast at all, since most of the time I'm not awake for it, anyway. I go to my morning classes and then have lunch. Suits me just fine.

But when I have to go to work, it's different. I know that I'll be bitchy and crabby and whiny if I don't eat before I go and then spent four hours sitting behind the Birch front desk. So this morning, I am having breakfast. Sorta. Leftover pizza counts as breakfast, right?

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