Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Surrounded by Suzannites

[Listening to: Nonpoint, "In The Air Tonight" ]

I'm a little creeped out by how pervasive this Suzanne thing is. I keep seeing blue shirts everywhere. I get the feeling that I should lock my door, pull my blinds, turn off the lights, and hibernate until they go away.

Seeing as how everyone else seems to be putting their opinions out there, here's my two cents (as it were): I have no problem with other people being Christians. I have no problem with others practicing Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, other religions, or no religion at all. I just have a big problem with proselytizing. Unless we're friends, or unless I ask you, I don't really care WHAT you believe, nor do I want you preaching to me (I have very similar feelings about the Jehovah's Witnesses, as a matter of fact).

Also, I hate ad campaigns, which is what this is more than anything else--ads "selling" a particular, semi-fundamentalist version of Christianity. This one in particular seems sort of sneaky and underhanded. They tried to run it in the same way that the inventor of the Segway scooters tried to market his product: start a "buzz" by hinting at it without telling anyone exactly what the damn thing was, and then once everyone was curious, unveil the actual product. Effective, admittedly, but irritating.

Come to think of it... weren't those things recalled? Something about losing power and falling over...

1 comment:

Angel said...

Tee-hee! Please... no second generation... the first has been quite enough...