Friday, June 25, 2004

A survey from a friend

Here's some questions that Erin asked on her blog, and my answers to the same. Enjoy!

  • What's your favorite superhero and why?
    --Zorro. You can call him a superhero, right? I mean, he had a secret lair and a sidekick and everything! And why? Cuz fencing is awesome. And he was sort of the Robin Hood type. Come to think of it, I like Robin Hood, too...

  • If you could have any superpower what power would that be and why?
    --Teleportation. The ability to instantly go wherever I want. I'd love that, because it seems like I just about always want to be somewhere else. So I'd either use it a lot, or it would cure me of my "the grass is greener on the other side" syndrome.

  • Describe your last breakup.
    --I... uh... haven't had one....

  • Describe your mother.
    --My mom's a real people person. She loves to talk and loves to listen and help people with problems. She tries to be openminded, but she has a hard time with it. She does tend to be WAY overprotective (tho now that I'm out of the house she's cut back on that quite a bit), but she really cares about me. She's also sort of a neat-freak housewife at heart. She'd love her home to be absolutely spotless and perfect, but it never ends up that way.

  • Describe your father.
    --Dad's really quiet, and very smart. He still wishes I had become a scientist, simply so he could have someone to talk to about physics and things like that. He's also very stubborn and sometimes tempermental. And very politically/socially conservative.

  • What's the best book you ever read? (If they answer with anything like, "OH, I don't read," just walk away slowly...) And why?
    --Ye gods... there's so many... I guess my favorite at the moment is Stranger in a Strange Land. It's such and excellent story that I can't even describe it. It makes you think.

  • What music do you remember most from your childhood?
    --Country or easy listening, because that's what my mom and dad always had on the radio in the car when we'd go on trips. Or possibly my dad's singing. He sang a lot of 30's and 40's songs that I've never heard anywhere else. He was always singing when I was little.

  • What's the best children's book you ever read?
    --Roxaboxen by Alice McLerran. It's about a group of children who create their own little town in the middle of the desert. I still remember Ms. Foresberg (I hope I spelled that right) reading it to us in about second grade.

  • Who is your favorite poet?
    --I have so many that I keep a list! But at the top... Emily Dickinson or Edgar Allen Poe.

  • What is your favorite cereal?
    --Cinnamon Toast Crunch

  • When you pack a lunch, what is normally in this lunch?
    --A sandwich, some chips, maybe a cookie or brownie or something, and a can of pop.

  • If you want to get married, what do you want your marriage to be like?
    --The wedding or the marriage? I'd like the wedding to be smallish and classy, and probably sometime in October, just because everyone gets married in the spring or summer and I want to be different. As for the marriage... happy, peaceful, loving, deep, and loyal. Who could ask for anything more?

  • What was the best date you've ever been on?
    --Again with the dating questions... I haven't been on a date.

  • Have you ever fallen in love? (That's always a yes, so afterward ask who and why.)
    --I think that I'm pretty much always in love. The who, I won't tell. The why... because he treats me like a girl instead of just one of the guys.

  • What's one thing you will never do?
    --Pick up a weapon and kill someone. Never.

  • Have you ever cheated? (They never answer this one honestly, so don't sweat it.)
    --What, you mean like, on a test or something? Not for a long time... but there's twice that I remember. Back in elementary school, I cheated on a multiplication and division test because it frustrated the hell out of me when I couldn't remember the times tables. And in sixth grade, I basically cheated my way through my entire math class (except the tests). See, the teacher allowed us to grade our own papers and report our own scores, without handing them in. So I'd just pretend I'd done the assignment, find out how many questions there were, calculate a percentage (always saying I got a couple wrong simply because if I would have always gotten a perfect paper the teacher would eventually catch on), and give it to her. It never mattered, because I already knew all the math and I got A's and B's on every test without studying or cheating. As bad as this sounds... I'm kind of proud of it. After all, that was middle school. I hated middle school.

  • What kind of pets do you have? Are you planning on having?
    --At the moment, I've got five cats and a dog. When I move out, I'd like to just have a cat or two (no, not five, I'd go nuts). I'll probably adopt a couple of my parents' animals, assuming that the critters are still living here when I get a place of my own.

  • If you could hold any world record, what would it be?
    --Odd as it may seem, I'm not really interested in holding a world record. Maybe the most visits to a blog? Yeah, that'd be cool. :)

  • What is your favorite kind of cheese?
    --During the past few days, I've had a terrible craving for smoked Gouda.

  • What's the grossest thing you've ever eaten?
    --Seveche, which is basically raw fish that has been "cooked" in lime juice. I tried a little bit of that at my aunt's house, but I just couldn't deal with the idea of slurping down raw fish.
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