Sunday, December 26, 2004

Woah... computer... haven't seen one of those in a while

Hey kids, the holidays are over and I'm back! Aren't you just thrilled all to pieces? Merry Christmas (a little late) and Happy New Year (a little early) and all that good stuff!

Quick correction to the last post: Grubbs will be coming back next semester. We'll see what happens after that. Any questions, talk to him.

And speaking of Grubbs... I owe him dinner. And large quantities of alcohol. And possibly my first-born child. Reason being: the day I planned on leaving for break, my car refused to start (again, it was just too freaking cold out). Grubbs was getting ready to go, and since I couldn't get through to AAA (too busy, I guess), I asked him if he could help me jumpstart my car. He agreed, and then proceeded to spend an hour out in the below-zero cold helping me get my car started. Way, way above and beyond the call of duty. So I owe him one, big time.

My Christmas has been pretty damn good this year. I saw my lovely family, including my sister Katie who is home from Chicago until the 31st. It was her birthday on Christmas, so we've got cake and ice cream left over along with all the other holiday food. I went to church for midnight Mass and sang with my dad in the choir. Yes, I know I've claimed to be a bit conflicted on the religion thing... but hey, it's Christmas, it made my Dad happy, it's all good.

As for presents... wow, my parents were generous this year. So were the rest of my relatives. Also, just got back from the after-Christmas shopping thing, where we took advantage of the lovely sales. Lovely, lovely sales. And I'm going out again before Katie leaves (gotta check out JoAnn Fabrics, cuz I got a gift card). Anyway, it was really nice. Now to write the thank-you notes...

Also, went out and saw Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events at the theater yesterday with my sister and one of her friends. It's a very dark movie, but pretty good. Definitely aimed towards an older child audience... not something to take the 6-year-olds to. Makes me want to read the books now, to see if they're as good.

That's about all on the update front. Time for me to go have some dinner. I'll be back later.

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