Sunday, August 07, 2005

How sad...

Peter Jennings dies from lung cancer at age 67.

He was probably the only one of the old newsmen that I idolized. I remember coming home after school that day, hugging my parents, and sitting down to watch ABC News all evening. He mentioned at one point, late into the evening, that he had just been in touch with his children and that if parents had children in other parts of the country, they should give them a call. He was nearly crying. I WAS crying. Maybe it wasn't perfect, but by God, he and the rest of the newscasters were trying, and suffering just as much as (probably even more than) the rest of the country. During those few days of news coverage, I realized just how much I respected the news anchors who were working on that story, and all the other major stories of the 20th century.

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